Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Gov't Calls for Safety Officers for Katrina Relief

The Department of Health and Human Services is looking for safety officers, security officers, EMTs, and others with expertise in one of 34 other categories (listed below) to help in the relief work following Hurricane Katrina.

From The Department of Health and Human Services...

The Office of The Surgeon General and the Office of Public Health Emergency Preparedness are in the process of mobilizing and identifying healthcare professionals and relief personnel to assist in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. As our nation and global community is now aware, the healthcare needs resulting from Katrina are critical.

We are currently looking for multidisciplinary healthcare professionals and relief personnel with expertise in the following areas:

Administration/Finance Officers
Mortuary Assistants
Clinical Physicians
Nursing Assistants/Nursing Support Technicians
Nursing Staff Directors
Dental Forensics
Patient Transporters/Volunteers
Environmental Health
Physician's Assistants or Nurse Practitioners
Physician Chiefs of Staff
Facility Managers
Radiologic Technicians
Respiratory Therapists
IT/Communications Officers
Laboratory Technicians
Safety Officers
Security Officers
Medical Clerks
Social Workers
Medical Examiners
Substance Abuse Counselors
Medical Record/Health Information Managers*
Supply Managers
Mental Health Workers

To ensure that your local community needs are met first, please contact your local MRC unit leader prior to completing this application form. When you do complete the form, please write “MRC Member” in as a specialty - this will allow us to identify you as an MRC member. For more information about the Medical Reserve Corps, see www.medicalreservecorps.gov

Individuals who do not fit into one of the above categories can find information on volunteering at USAFreedomCorps.gov

**Please be advised that individuals must be healthy enough to function under field conditions.

This may include all or some of the following:

12 hour shifts
Austere conditions (possibly no showers, housing in tents)
No air conditioning
Long periods of standing
Sleep accommodations on bed roll
Military ready to eat meals
Portable toilets

These workers will be non-paid temporary Federal employees, and will therefore be eligible for coverage under the Federal Tort Claims Act for liability coverage and Workman’s Compensation when functioning as HHS employees. Although there will not be any salary, travel and per diem will be paid.

Assignments may last 14 days or longer. It is required that applicants have Hepatitis B and Tetanus/Diphtheria immunizations for this assignment.

Click here for more info or to volunteer.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Keeping Workers Safe During Clean Up and Recovery Operations Following Hurricanes

As many of you are off to help with the clean up and recovery from Hurricane Katrina, please take a moment to review this information from OSHA. We've added an index of this new section of the OSHA website on the Health & Safety Info & Resources section of IndustrialSavings.com.

As always, Be safe!

Health & Safety Team

Sunday, September 11, 2005

New Product: Jackson Headturner Inferno Hard Hat

Announcing the newest memeber of the Jackson Headturners family, the Inferno. In stock, on sale and ready to ship now.

Click for the new Jackson Headturners Inferno Hard hat